CRG Faculty Affiliate

Karen Nakamura

Professor, Haas Distinguished Chair
Disability Studies Faculty Cluster - Othering & Belonging Institute

Evelyn Nakano Glenn

Professor of the Graduate School - Joint Appointments, Founding Director
Comparative Ethnic Studies
Gender and Women's Studies
Center for Race and Gender

Laura Nelson

Associate Professor
Gender & Women's Studies

Osagie K. Obasogie

Professor of Law and Bioethics - Joint Appointment, Haas Distinguished Chair
School of Law
UCB-UCSF Joint Medical Program - School of Public Health
Diversity and Health Disparities Cluster - Othering & Belonging Institute

Fumi Okiji

Assistant Professor

Jason Okonofua

Assistant Professor

Michael Omi

Professor Emeritus, Haas Distinguished Chair
Asian American and Asian Diaspora Studies - Department of Comparative Ethnic Studies
Diversity and Democracy Faculty Cluster - Othering & Belonging Institute

Aihwa Ong

Professor Emeritus

Kurt Organista

Harry and Riva Specht Chair for Publicly Supported Social Services, Professor
School of Social Welfare