Undocumented Students And Campus Climate At UC Berkeley
10.08.2020 | 4:00 – 5:00 PM | Zoom Webinar
Liliana Iglesias, Program Director of Undocumented Student Program (USP), Fabrizio Mejia, Assistant Vice Chancellor of Division of Equity & Inclusion, Martha Ortega-Mendoza, Ph.D. Student in the Graduate School of Education, Diana Peña, Mental Health Coordinator & Licensed Psychologist at USP, Theo Cuison, Director and Clinical Supervising Attorney of East Bay Community Law Center’s (EBCLC) Immigration Unit, and Rebecca Romero, Paralegal in EBCLC’s Immigration Unit, discussed challenges faced by both DACA and non-DACA undocumented students, as well as resources available on campus.
Co-sponsored by the Berkeley Interdisciplinary Migration Initiative, East Bay Community Law Center, Institute of Governmental Studies, Othering & Belonging Institute, and the Undocumented Student Program.
This event launched the public release of the report “Climate Study of Undocumented Students at UC Berkeley." Click here to download the report.
Click here to request access to the event recording in CRG's Media Archive.