CRG Events

Queering Race, Policing Bodies

September 10, 2009

Queering Race, Policing Bodies

09.10.2009| 4:00 – 5:30 PM | 691 Barrows Hall

The Face of Gays in the Military: Neoliberalism, Multiculturalism, and the ‘Right To Fight’
Liz Montegary, UC Davis

This paper examines how calls for the repeal of the U.S. military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, mainstream lesbian and gay organizations like the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) often rely on the testimonies of lesbian and gay service members who “come out” against the federally mandated ban on...

Producing Belonging and Identity: Performing Citizenship and Identity

May 7, 2009

Producing Belonging and Identity: Performing Citizenship and Identity

05.07.2009 | 4:00 – 5:30 PM | 691 Barrows Hall

Producing Fruitvale: Latinidad, Immigration, and the Development of a “Village”
Juan Herrera, Ethnic Studies

“Breaking Character: Women’s Theater Workshops and the Incorporation of Immigrants in France”
Emine Fisek, Performance Studies...

Black Subjectivity/Black Comic Interventions

April 10, 2009

Black Subjectivity/Black Comic Interventions

04.10.2009| 4:00 – 5:30 PM | 691 Barrows Hall

Becoming Richard Pryor: Berkeley, 1971
Prof. Scott Saul, English Dept

Actor-comedian Richard Pryor may be one of the most present and least understood figures shadowing contemporary American culture. Upon his death in December 2005, the media paid tribute to his legacy with the sort of praise that would have seemed extravagant if it wasn’t so heartfelt and, from the perspective of Pryor’s life, so...

CRG Undergraduate Grantee Spring 2009 Forum

March 19, 2009

CRG Undergraduate Grantee Spring 2009 Forum

03.19.2009 | 4:00 – 5:30 PM | 691 Barrows Hall

Jaimee Comstock-Skipp, Near Eastern Studies, traveled to Cairo, Egypt, where she analyzed artistic shifts in 19th-century visual representations of the Sultan Hassan Mosque. She argues that the gradual movement from objective depictions by European colonial artists, from static architectual renderings and paintings that the emphasized structural forms, to more personalized, highly subjective representations of individual figures and...

Contextualized Formations of Black Identity

March 5, 2009

Contextualized Formations of Black Identity

03.05.2009| 4:00 – 5:30 PM | 691 Barrows Hall

Professor Daniel Perlstein, Education
Professor Na’ilah Suad Nasir, African American Studies / Education

The Brooklyn, New York based civil rights activist Sonny Carson once noted that the schoolhouses he attended were like prisons, and that the prisons themselves were posing as schoolhouses—metal bars ran down the windows of both. Various authors such as playwright George Bernard Shaw, sociologist Michel Foucault...

Racial Affinities: Interacial Verbal Interactions & Intra-Race Policing

February 19, 2009

Racial Affinities: Interacial Verbal Interactions & Intra-Race Policing

02.19.2009| 4:00 – 5:30 PM | 691 Barrows Hall

Molly Babel, Linguistics
Trevor Gardner, Sociology


Hyper-Black & Hyper-White Characterizations in Film

February 5, 2009

Hyper-Black & Hyper-White Characterizations in Film

02.05.2009 | 4:00 – 5:30 PM | 691 Barrows Hall

Linda Haverty Rugg, Scandinavian Studies

Linda Williams, Film Studies


Afro-Latinx Feminisms in the URL & IRL Spheres

February 21, 2021

Afro-Latinx Feminisms in the URL & IRL Spheres

02.18.2021 | 4:00 – 5:00 PM | Zoom Webinar

Garifuna journalist and founder of award-winning platform, “Ain’t I Latina?,” Janel Martinez, will join Dominican visual artist and sociocultural critic, Zahira Kelly, in a roundtable discussion on Afro-Latinx feminist practices as they play out in online and offline spaces. Centering their digital reporting and criticism, this roundtable asks: How has social media expanded the ways Black Latinxs see themselves...

Black Trans Intimacies: On Building Futures in the Present

October 29, 2020

Black Trans Intimacies: On Building Futures in the Present

10.29.2020 | 4:00 – 5:00 PM | Zoom Webinar

In this roundtable, trans and nonbinary artists and scholars came together to discuss the ways in which intimacy is rendered and re-imagined in our contemporary moment, and how intimacy serves as a world-building tool. Dora Santana of John Jay College, SA Smythe of UCLA and Micky Bradford of the Transgender Law Center will share their craft(s) and speak of their work as a form of intimacy with the...

"Jamaica y Tamarindo: Afro Tradition in the Heart of Mexico"

October 6, 2022

"Jamaica y Tamarindo: Afro Tradition in the Heart of Mexico" - Film Screening and Q&A with director, Ebony Bailey

10.06.2022 | 4:00 – 5:00 PM | Zoom Webinar

Join the Center for Race and Gender for a Zoom screening of "Jamaica y Tamarindo: Afro Tradition in the Heart of Mexico" (21 mins), and Q&A with director, Ebony Bailey. The jamaica flower and tamarind are iconic ingredients in Mexico, but their history comes from a place much further away. In Jamaica y Tamarindo: Afro Tradition in the Heart of Mexico...