“Martial Races” And “Ladies’ Drinks”: How Racialized Gender Has Militarized The World

Event flyer for April 29, 2002 Inaugural Distinguished Guest Lecture
April 29, 2002

Inaugural CRG Distinguished Guest Lecture

“Martial Races” And “Ladies’ Drinks”: How Racialized Gender Has Militarized The World

04.29.2002 | 6:00 – 9:00 PM |  Bancroft Hotel (2630 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA)

The Center for Race and Gender (CRG) is a new interdisciplinary research and outreach unit at UC Berkeley dedicated to fostering explorations of race, gender, and their intersections.

We invite you to CRG's Inaugural Distinguished Guest Lecture with Cynthia Enloe, Professor of Government & International Relations, Clark University.

Keynote Bio:

Cynthia Enloe is a nationally renowned scholar of militarism, state policies and international politics.  She is the author of many books including Bananas, Beaches and Bases: Making Feminist Sense of International Politics,  and Maneuvers: The International Politics of Militarizing Women's Lives.  

Event co-sponsored by the African American Studies Department, Beatrice Bain Research Group (BBRG), Center for the Study of Sexual Culture, Center for Working Families, Ethnic Studies Department, Graduate Women's Project, Institute for the Student of Social Change, and Women's Studies Department.