Decolonizing Indigenous Migration Violence, Settler Colonialism, Gender, and Law
04.05.2021 | 4:00 – 5:00 PM | Zoom Webinar
Presentations by Shannon Speed ((Chickasaw) Professor of Gender Studies & Anthropology, and Director of the American Indian Studies Center, UCLA), Kristen Carpenter (Council Tree Professor of Law, and Director of the American Indian Law Program at University of Colorado Law School), and Angela Riley ((Potawatomi) Professor of Law, and Director of Native Nations Law and Policy Center, UCLA School of Law). How is the violence to which indigenous women migrants are subjected related to “neoliberal multicriminalism” and settler structures of indigenous dispossession and elimination? And how might migration law consider the colonial origins and impacts that undergird state policies on territorial sovereignty and border regulation?
Hosted by CRG’s Native/Immigrant/Refugee – Crossings Research Initiative. Co-sponsored by the Berkeley Interdisciplinary Migration Initiative, Native American Studies at UC Berkeley, American Indian Studies Center at UCLA, Native Nations Law and Policy Center at UCLA Law, the University of Colorado American Indian Law Program, and the Joseph A. Myers Center for Research on Native American Issues at UC Berkeley.
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