Vocabularies Of Vulnerability: Hum/Animal/Blackness
11.02.2015 | 6:00 – 8:00 PM | 370 Dwinelle Hall
The Center for Race and Gender presents the Fall 2015 Distinguished Guest Lecture with Professor Sharon P. Holland.
Introduction by Professor Brandi Catanese, Theater, Dance, Performance Studies & African American Studies at UC Berkeley.
Keynote Bio:
Sharon P. Holland is a graduate of Princeton University (1986) and holds a PhD in English and African American Studies from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (1992). She is the author of RAISING THE DEAD: READINGS OF DEATH AND (BLACK) SUBJECTIVITY (Duke UP, 2000), which won the Lora Romero First Book Prize from the American Studies Association (ASA) in 2002. She is also co-author of a collection of trans-Atlantic Afro-Native criticism with Professor Tiya Miles (American Culture, UM, Ann Arbor) entitled Crossing Waters/ Crossing Worlds: The African Diaspora in Indian Country (Duke University Press, 2006). Professor Holland is also responsible for bringing a feminist classic, THE QUEEN IS IN THE GARBAGE by Lila Karp to the attention of The Feminist Press for publication (2007). She is the author of The Erotic Life of Racism (Duke University Press, 2012), a theoretical project that explores the intersection of Critical Race, Feminist, and Queer Theory. She is also at work on the final draft of another book project entitled simply, “little black girl.” You can see her work on food, writing and all things equestrian on her blog, http://theprofessorstable.wordpress.com(link is external)// She is currently at work on a new project, “Perishment” an investigation of the human/animal distinction and the place of discourse on blackness within that discussion. She is the editor of “south: a scholarly journal” and is presently Professor in and Associate Chair of the Department of American Studies at UNC-Chapel Hill.
Event co-sponsored by African American Studies.
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