Design Politics, The Border, and The Passport

Flyer for 3-4-2021 CRG Forum
March 4, 2021

Design Politics, The Border, and The Passport

03.04.2021 | 4:00 – 5:00 PM |  Zoom Webinar

A conversation between Ronald Rael(Professor of Architecture, Eva Li Memorial Chair in Architecture, UC Berkeley) and Mahmoud Keshavarz (Senior Lecturer in Design Studies at HDK-Valand Academy of Art and Design, University of Gothenburg and Research Associate at the Engaging Vulnerability Research Program, Department of Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology, Uppsala University (Sweden)). Their discussion will address how border transgressors and passport forgers use the capacity for design to dissent from immobility, as well as Rael’s seesaw installation on the U.S. Mexico border with Virginia San Fratello, winner of the Design Award of the Year 2020.

Hosted by CRG’s Native/Immigrant/Refugee – Crossings Research Initiative. Co-sponsored by the Berkeley Interdisciplinary Migration Initiative, College of Environmental Design, Department of Scandinavian, and the Latinx Research Center. 

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