Same Hate, New Target: Islamophobia and its Impact in the United States (January 2009 - December 2010)


A first-of-its-kind report outlining the growth of Islamophobia in the United States during 2009-2010. The report is a project of Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the CRG's Islamophobia Research and Documentation Project

Based on available data and interviews with experts, the report offers a definition of Islamophobia, an overview of its growing negative impact in the United States and names of individuals and institutions known for promoting or opposing the phenomenon. It has special sections on the manufactured controversy over the Park 51 Islamic community center in Manhattan, the 2010 Oklahoma ballot initiative targeting Islamic principles (Sharia) and Islamophobia in the 2010 elections.

The report also offers a vision regarding Islamophobia in America, looks toward the time when being Muslim carries a positive connotation and presents an initial set of recommendations for moving toward that goal.

Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
CRG's Islamophobia Research & Documentation Project
Publication date: 
January 1, 2011
Publication type: 
Research Report
Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) & CRG's Islamophobia Research & Documentation Project. (2011, January). Same Hate, New Target: Islamophobia and its Impact in the United States -- January 2009 - December 2010.