CRG Events

To Asia and Back: The Excursions & Incursions Of White Domesticity

March 4, 2010

To Asia and Back: The Excursions & Incursions Of White Domesticity

03.04.2010 | 4:00 – 5:30 PM | 691 Barrows Hall

Maternal Soldiers of Empire: Domesticity, English Instruction, & the Thomasites in the American Philippines
Funie Hsu, Education

Racialized Toxins & Sovereign Fantasies: Lead, Panics, and Transnational Toys
Professor Mel Chen, Gender and Women’s Studies


Foreign Bodies: Gendering Transnational Migration In Contemporary Italy and Ireland

September 17, 2009

Foreign Bodies: Gendering Transnational Migration In Contemporary Italy and Ireland

09.17.2009| 4:00 – 5:30 PM | 691 Barrows Hall

Made in Chitaly
Dr. Laura Fantone, Beatrice Bain Research Group

The symbolic and material economies of Italy shaped a specific space around the figure of the East Asian immigrant, especially living in central Italy . Drawing from recent data about Italy and sociological analysis of economic and cultural integration patterns, I analyze opportunities...

The Persisting Plantation: Laborers In The Field & Literature

December 10, 2009

The Persisting Plantation: Laborers In The Field & Literature

12.10.2009 | 4:00 – 5:30 PM | 691 Barrows Hall

The Costs of Certified Food: Just Pineapple Production in Costa Rica
Dr. Sang Lee, College of Natural Resources

The dramatic increase in the production and export of tropical and off season fruits produced in the global south has distanced consumers and producers. It has created consumer anxieties around food production practices related to hygiene, environment, and labor. In...

Violence, Gender, and The Construction Of Communities In The Twentieth Century Indian Novel: Some Case Studies

September 8, 2010

Violence, Gender, and The Construction Of Communities In The Twentieth Century Indian Novel: Some Case Studies

09.08.2010| 4:00 – 5:30 PM | 691 Barrows Hall

Caste, Gender and Sexuality: On the Figure of The Dalit Woman in P. Sivakami’s Fiction
Kiran Keshavamurthy, South and Southeast Asia Studies

The narratives of P. Sivakami’s novels The Grip Of Change(1989) and Author’s Notes: Gowri (1999) critique the sexualized and supposedly violable caste body of the dalit woman. In The...

Knowing Palestine: Islamophobia, Imagination, & Critical Solidarities

March 11, 2010

Knowing Palestine: Islamophobia, Imagination, & Critical Solidarities

03.11.2010| 4:00 – 5:30 PM | 691 Barrows Hall

June Jordan’s Palestine
Prof. Keith Feldman, Ethnic Studies

In the interest of situating a political present marked by both the deepening racial dehumanization of Palestinians and the growing global solidarity movement in support of Palestine’s decolonization, this talk takes up the present-tense becoming-Palestinian of renowned African American poet, essayist, activist,...

Speaking Through Silence & Erasure: Race, Sexuality, & Expression in Marginalized Language Communities

March 18, 2010

Speaking Through Silence & Erasure: Race, Sexuality, & Expression in Marginalized Language Communities

03.18.2010 | 4:00 – 5:30 PM | 691 Barrows Hall

The Silence of Difference: Race, Sexuality, & Disability in Soviet Pantomime After Stalin
Anastasia Kayiatos, Slavic Literature & Languages

This paper considers the role of “full” speech in the fabrication of ideal Soviet subjectivity under late socialism; and the role of silence or vexed speech in coextensive...

Embodiments Of Memory: African American Remains & Representations

September 22, 2010

Embodiments Of Memory: African American Remains & Representations

09.22.2010 | 4:00 – 5:30 PM | 691 Barrows Hall

Brief History of Collecting, Researching, and Displaying African American Human Remains in the United States
Samuel J. Redman, History

Dozens of museums in the United States possess diverse collections of human remains. Throughout the nineteenth and twentieth century, anthropologists and medical scientists collected, researched, and displayed human bodies in an effort to...

Mixed Race/Mixed Space in Media Culture & Militarized Zones

October 5, 2010

Mixed Race/Mixed Space in Media Culture & Militarized Zones

10.05.2010 | 4:00 – 5:30 PM | 691 Barrows Hall

A Critical Race Theory Approach to Understanding Cinematic Representations of the Mixed Race Experience
Kevin Escudero, Ethnic Studies

This presentation focuses on the developmental trajectory of the portrayal of mixed race people in mainstream media. Primarily looking at film, but also analyzing other media texts such as photography, stand-up comedy and...

Postcolonial and Liberal Discourses of the Family in Secular Polities

November 16, 2010

Postcolonial and Liberal Discourses of the Family in Secular Polities

11.16.2010 | 4:00 – 5:30 PM | 691 Barrows Hall

Secularism, Sexuality, and Religious Liberty: A Postcolonial Genealogy
Prof. Saba Mahmood, Social Cultural Anthropology

The relegation of religion and the family to the private sphere is widely regarded as a key feature of modern secular societies. While postcolonial states of South Asia and the Middle East are heir to this arrangement, they are also distinct in that they...

Moral Panics & the Fantastic Future Family

September 11, 2011

Moral Panics & the Fantastic Future Family

09.22.2011 | 4:00 – 5:30 PM | 691 Barrows Hall

What’s a Feminist to Do? How New Anti-abortion Strategies and New Technologies are Reconfiguring the Debate over Sex Selection, Race and Abortion
Dr. Sujatha Jesudason, Generations Ahead

One of the more incendiary tactics by anti-choice advocates recently has been to propose legislation to ban abortion for reasons of sex and race. Conflating charges of sex selection with claims of “race-selective...