CRG Special Events + Symposium

CRG Special Events + Symposium

Education, Equality and the Supreme Court

October 19, 2023

Education, Equality and the Supreme Court

10.19.2023 | 12:50 - 2:00 PM | Hybrid - 100 Law Building & Zoom Webinar

Join us for a discussion on affirmative action, debt relief, and anti-wokeness laws with Tolani Britton (Associate Professor, School of Education, UC Berkeley), Cary Franklin (McDonald/Wright Chair Of Law; Faculty Director, The Williams Institute; Faculty Director, The Center On Reproductive Health, Law, And Policy; UCLA School Of Law), Jonathan D. Glater (Professor of Law; Faculty...

Hierarchies of Color: Transnational Perspectives on the Social and Cultural Significance of Skin Color

December 2, 2005

Hierarchies of Color: Transnational Perspectives on the Social and Cultural Significance of Skin Color

12.02 & 03.05 | 5:30 – 7:30 PM | Lipman Room, Barrows Hall

“Hierarchies of Color: Transnational Perspectives on the Social and Cultural Significance of Skin Color” is a conference designed to bring together scholars to examine the social, cultural, and economic significance of skin color and of social hierarchy based on skin tone. Through the conference, we seek to explore colorism not in isolation, but in its intersection and...

The Aftermath of Dobbs: Putting the Movement for Reproductive Justice in Conversation with the Fight for Trans Justice

September 15, 2022

The Aftermath of Dobbs: Putting the Movement for Reproductive Justice in Conversation with the Fight for Trans Justice

09.15.2022| 4:00 – 5:15 PM | Virtual - Zoom Webinar

What can the fight for reproductive justice learn from the struggle for trans justice? What are the costs of the failure of those movements to be in close conversation with one another? What should we make of claims in the New York Times and elsewhere that gender-neutral descriptions of reproductive rights “erase women”? Khiara M. Bridges (...

It Was All A Dream: A Celebration of Undocumented Student Anthology Reading

October 17, 2014

It Was All A Dream: A Celebration of Undocumented Student Anthology Reading

10.17.2014 | 6:00 PM | Multicultural Community Center, Hearst Field Annex D-37

Join us for a celebration of a beautiful, multimedia anthology of undocumented student writing. The anthology will include essays, poetry, findings from a research report on the campus climate for undocumented students, and beautiful visual art

Presented by the Center for Race & Gender, the Center for Latino Policy Research, and the Multicultural Community Center....

Sana Sana: Live Zoom Reading & Interview On Poetic Practice and Healing with Ariana Brown

March 11, 2021

Sana Sana: Live Zoom Reading & Interview On Poetic Practice and Healing with Ariana Brown

03.11.2021 | 4:00 – 5:00 PM | Virtual - Zoom Webinar

Join us for a special evening with a live reading and interview on poetic practice and healing with Ariana Brown.

Speaker Bio:

Ariana Brown is a queer Black Mexican American poet from the Southside of San Antonio, Texas. Ariana holds a B.A. in African Diaspora Studies and Mexican American Studies from UT Austin as well as an MFA in Poetry from the...

Families on the Faultlines: Re-Imagining Race, Kinship, Care

April 29, 2010

Families on the Faultlines: Re-Imagining Race, Kinship, Care

04.29 & 30.2010 | 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM | 370 Dwinelle Hall

Families who live on the fault lines of economic insecurity, geographic displacement, and ideological battles over who counts as a “family” are particularly at risk for suffering the fallout of current economic disasters, environmental crises, and local and global wars. These ruptures present not only profound challenges for the survival of kinship structures, but also opportunities for uncovering new or hidden...

Michael Jackson: Critical Reflection On A Life & A Phenomenon

October 1, 2009

Michael Jackson: Critical Reflection On A Life & A Phenomenon

10.01.2009| 3:00 – 6:00 PM | Sibley Auditorium, Bechtel Engineering Center

Scholars and artists reflect on the legacy of Michael Jackson on performance & artistry, racial & sexual politics, and cultural representations. Featuring National Poetry Slam Champion, BLAIR.



Michael Jackson: The Original Post Racial Soul Broth...

Catalyzing Knowledge In Dangerous Times

April 14, 2011

Catalyzing Knowledge In Dangerous Times

Center For Race & Gender Ten-Year Anniversary Conference

04.14.2011 | 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM | 370 Dwinelle Hall

Catalyzing Knowledge in Dangerous Times will explore the ways in which knowledge is politicized, embodied, and imagined within a volatile political climate that targets education as a racialized and gendered battleground for defining legitimacy, visibility, and access.

Conference participants will interrogate the meaning and practice of scholarship in a...

Racializing Sexual Economies: Sex Trade, Trafficking, And The Political Agency Of People Of Color & Indigenous People

November 8, 2011

Racializing Sexual Economies: Sex Trade, Trafficking, And The Political Agency Of People Of Color & Indigenous People

11.08.2011 | 5:00 – 8:00 PM | Multicultural Community Center, Martin Luther King Jr. Student Union

A roundtable of activists and scholars will explore and challenge the political tensions in debates on sex trades, sex trafficking, public policy, institutional violence, and community organizing


Evelyn Nakano Glenn, Center for Race & Gender: Welcome & Introductions Annie...


February 15, 2013


02.15.2013 | 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM | Multicultural Community Center, Hearst Annex D

Evening Performance | 7:00 - 10:00 PM | International House

The Center for Race and Gender (CRG), CultureStr/ke(link is external) and the Department of...