Grassroots Organizing For Immigration Justice: A Multi-Racial Conversation
09.28.2021| 3:00 – 5:00 PM | Virtual - Zoom Webinar
On the Same Page invites you to the first in a series of accompanying events to our August keynote lecture with Karla Cornejo Villavicencio. Join us for an informative conversation with Angela Chan (Asian Americans Advancing Justice – Asian Law Caucus(link is external)), Amaha Kassa (African Communities Together(link is external)), and Gerónimo Ramírez(International Mayan League(link is external)). Moderated by Christian Paiz (Assistant Professor of Comparative Ethnic Studies) and Leti Volpp (Robert D. and Leslie Kay Raven Professor of Law).
Presented by the On the Same Page Program, the Center for Race & Gender Forum Series, the Department of Ethnic Studies, and the IGS Race, Ethnicity and Immigration Colloquium. Immigration Colloquium.