AY 2012 - 2013 Research Working Groups

AY 2012 - 2013 Research Working Groups

Muslim Identities and Cultures

This working group studies Muslim identities and cultures from multiple standpoints including but not limited to: race, gender, queer (of color) theory, nationalism, critical cultural geography, etc.

Transnational Mixed Asians In-Between Spaces

In traditional Ethnic Studies categories, mixed race has been marginalized, misappropriated, tokenized or simply left out. In order to allow for a collaborative environment given the use of essentialized racial categories and lack of scholarship on the experiences of mixed race people, the purposes of the working group are as follows: to create an interdisciplinary space for mixed race studies dialogue and to provide a safe space for scholars to discuss issues of mixed race identity. This working group will also serve as a space for scholars doing work on this topic...

Sex & the State

Sex & the State is a CRG research working group that brings together a range of inquiries that examine the relationships of gender and sexuality to regimes of state regulation and control, with particular attention to the role of racial formation in these processes. Both key terms—“sex” and “state”—are multivalenced. “Sex” serves as a foundational category while retaining its distinctness from gender and queer studies. The “State” refers not only to national bodies, but also to state powers within a federal-state system such as exists in the...

Criminal Justice

The Criminal Justice Working Group, sponsored by the Center for Race and Gender, is a community of graduate students across academic disciplines interested in or actively engaged in researching issues related to the criminal justice system in California and in the United States. We serve as a networking site, connecting our members and others to criminal justice resources on campus and within our community, and as a research sounding board, hosting workshops for members’ research in which they present working ideas or papers and get feedback.


Race & Yoga

The Race and Yoga Research Working Group examines the intersections of race, gender, class, sexuality, able-bodiedness, and age in yoga. In addition to viewing yoga through the lens of intersectionality and Women of Color / Third World Feminisms, this group focuses on somatic theories to explore the praxis of yoga programs. Race and Yoga explores programs offered in yoga studios and other non-traditional settings, such as prisons. Although statics on annual income, educational level, and the ratio of female to male yoga practitioners in the United States are readily available, there is a...

Critical Methodologies in Educational Research

This working group begins from an understanding of the hierarchies within social science research methods which delegitimize the qualitative methods that address equity and social justice, and speak from “epistemologies of the wound” as Gloria Gonzalez-Lopez explains. Meetings will offer participants opportunities to collaboratively gather a knowledge-base of race, class, gender, and queer-based epistemological issues, particularly in the field of educational research.

While quantitative methods serve an uncontested value in research, critical qualitative methodologies bring a...