AY 2015 - 2016 Research Working Groups

AY 2015 - 2016 CRG Research Working Groups

Social Movements

The CRG Social Movements Working Group (SMWG) is an interdisciplinary space for graduate students and faculty members who teach, research, and/or write about various types of social movements (immigrant rights, climate change, LGBTQ, etc.) and aspects of them (protests, coalitions, discourses, time and space, etc.). The working group is open to scholars who utilize multiple types of data (e.g. interviews, field notes, surveys, archives) and social science research designs (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods).

Critical Trauma

We are a group of graduate students and community practitioners who conceptualize trauma as a symptom/proximal manifestation of exposure to structural and interpersonal oppression e.g. colonialism, capitalism/economic racism, patriarchy, etc, and acknowledge individual and community-level capacities to heal from oppression. As a working group, we wish to create a safe space to share our own ideas, work-in-progress, and theoretical frameworks in order to develop a more nuanced understanding of the larger implications of trauma on groups of people. We will explore how systemic forms of...

Color of New Media

This working group seeks to add new voices, and new lenses, to the new media studies “conversation,” in order to diversify and broaden the scope of that conversation. The overarching goals of this group are: to share resources on issues of race/ethnicity/nation and new media; to foster the creation of new scholarship on these issues; and to nurture fellowship and social networking among scholars, particularly scholars of color, working in the field of new media studies. As a group, the Color of New Media has always been interested in sharing and popularizing scholarship by or about...