AY 2023 - 2024 Research Working Groups

Indigenous Sound Studies

CONTACT: sierra_edd@berkeley.edu; everardo_reyes@berkeley.edu

The Indigenous Sound Studies working group aims to highlight Indigenous politics in music and sound. Our members come from various backgrounds to create an Indigenous-centered dialogue on issues of anti-colonial practices, sovereignty, identity, and knowledge production in sound. Our discussion spaces are intended to be collaborative and constructive for understanding the multiple frictions of...

Transecological Imaginations: Spatial Theory and Transformative Practices

CONTACT: chandra_laborde@berkeley.edu

Transecological Imaginations is conceptualized as a working group that bridges spatial theory and transformative practices to imagine equitable futures. Transecological ethics is an embodied relation to place which is attuned to histories of difference in all its forms, especially the ones that challenge binaries such as nature/culture, female/male, etc. This framework aims to resist a planetary future centered on anthropic exceptionalism that hierarchizises...

Critical Aesthetics

CONTACT: pettis@berkeley.edu

The Critical Aesthetics Working Group (CAWG) aims to create cross-disciplinary dialogue to explore the capacity of aesthetics as a geographic methodology reorganizing questions of time and intensifying sensibilities to space, matter, image, and sound. CAWG aims to support the creation of sensorially dynamic and immersive media, and theorize geography through experimental spatial engagements. CAWG hopes to cultivate critical digital literacy

Race, Ethnicity and Social Movements

CONTACT: kurdi_aj@berkeley.edu

Recent years brought a revival of social movements aimed at achieving racial and ethnic justice in both the United States and elsewhere around the world. Movements whose primary focus is not racial or ethnic justice, but focus on topics such as climate change, youth empowerment or gender and sexual equality also started to pay more attention to racial and ethnic inclusivity in both their agenda-setting and mobilization strategies. The

Transpacific and Asian American Art

CONTACT: enfair@berkeley.edu

This working group aims to create a conceptual forum in the Bay Area for those interested in topics and questions in the fields of Asian American and transpacific art. In drawing together the terms “Transpacific” and “Asian American,” we aim to interrogate, challenge, and build from the conceptual assemblage of spatial relations, imperialism, racialization, and diaspora connoted by these disciplinary idioms. Inspired by the recent Asian

Death of the Author

CONTACT: pfeijo@berkeley.edu, caleb_murraybozeman@berkeley.edu, jaemin.yoo@berkeley.edu

The Death of the Author (DotA) is an experimental reading and writing group that aims to foster a different relation with theoretical texts, both as its readers and as its writers. Our meetings encompass a long process of slow reading of each text, and

Performing Asian American & Diasporic Sexualities

CONTACT: lena_chen@berkeley.edu, esakuma@berkeley.edu

As an interdisciplinary network of scholars and artists, the Performing Asian American & Diasporic Sexualities working group invites critical engagement with questions of race, gender, sexuality, disability, colonialism, and labor through the lens of performance studies and visual and media studies. We examine how performances of Asian America and

Ecologies of Difference: Unearthing Racialized and Gendered Infrastructures

CONTACT: p.campanile@berkeley.edu; pinaforte@berkeley.edu; leonoraz@berkeley.edu

The Ecologies of Difference working group is a collaboration of place-based thinkers dedicated to employing the many lessons learned from critical black feminist ecology, political ecology, queer ecology, postcolonial theory, and indigenous criticism in order to develop fieldwork methods and modes of writing...

Racialized Gendered Organizations

CONTACT: esboldt_joy@berkeley.edu

The “Racialized-Gendered Organizations” working group aims to investigate the intersection of race, gender, and organizations. We ask how organizations are both products and generators of unequal power structures in society. Topics of focus include: how racialized and/or gendered norms are created, enforced, and mobilized; roles of identity and power relations within/across organizations as they (re)produce, co-mediate, and enact social networks, practices,...