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The Critical University Studies (CUS) Working Group convenes monthly to foster a scholarly community that contends with issues of race, gender, class, dis/ability, sexuality, and other forms of minoritization within and through higher education. We interrogate how colonialism, white supremacy, antiblackness, heteropatriarchy, and capitalist accumulation are constitutive to the formation and maintenance of universities, and how to disrupt their powerful hold. Our goals are to: 1) Deepen our transdisciplinary critical theoretical inquiry related to the study of higher education; 2) Strengthen our methodological approaches in order to conduct ethical and rigorous research in university settings and with(in) communities that shape and are influenced by institutions of higher education; and 3) Cultivate community among graduate students, faculty, staff, and postdoctoral scholars at Berkeley and beyond.
Rosalie Zdzienicka Fanshel (PhD student, Environmental Science, Policy, and Management)
Caleb E. Dawson (PhD candidate, Graduate School of Education)