Borderland Practice, a CRG graduate working group that aims to create an interdisciplinary space to examine the intersections of race, class, gender, and citizenship within health, social service, and practice settings; and foster meaningful collaborations with community-based organizations that support immigrant and migrant communities.
We draw inspiration from Gloria Anzaldúa’s writings, in particular Borderland/La Frontera:
“Borders are set up to define the places that are safe and unsafe, to distinguish us from them. A border is a dividing line, a narrow...
This working group studies Muslim identities and cultures from multiple standpoints including but not limited to: race, gender, queer (of color) theory, nationalism, critical cultural geography, etc.
The Race and Yoga Research Working Group examines the intersections of race, gender, class, sexuality, able-bodiedness, and age in yoga. In addition to viewing yoga through the lens of intersectionality and Women of Color / Third World Feminisms, this group focuses on somatic theories to explore the praxis of yoga programs. Race and Yoga explores programs offered in yoga studios and other non-traditional settings, such as prisons. Although statics on annual income, educational level, and the ratio of female to male yoga practitioners in the United States are readily available, there is a...
This working group begins from an understanding of the hierarchies within social science research methods which delegitimize the qualitative methods that address equity and social justice, and speak from “epistemologies of the wound” as Gloria Gonzalez-Lopez explains. Meetings will offer participants opportunities to collaboratively gather a knowledge-base of race, class, gender, and queer-based epistemological issues, particularly in the field of educational research.
While quantitative methods serve an uncontested value in research, critical qualitative methodologies bring a...
The 1960s -1980s witnessed an explosion of transnational exchanges between women and queers from the global north and global south, conjuring up new and powerful imaginaries of social justice and forever altering the landscape of movements for sexual and gender justice. Radical and critical autonomous Indigenous feminist and queer of color, and of all colors, subjects and movements left various traces of their theories and practices in alternative journals, leaflets, posters, pictures, poetry, artwork, music, personal writings, and the like. Yet, many of these histories have been erased,...
Islamophobia, Gender, & Sexuality working group’s primary goal is to develop analyses of the place of gender, sexuality and race in Islamophobia and the effects of Islamophobia on gendered, sexualized and racialized subjects.
The Reproductive Justice Working Group's primary goal is to co-create an environment in which participants can deepen their understanding of reproductive justice and develop practical ideas for integrating reproductive justice into their research and practice.
This working group seeks to add new voices, and new lenses, to the new media studies “conversation,” in order to diversify and broaden the scope of that conversation. The overarching goals of this group are: to share resources on issues of race/ethnicity/nation and new media; to foster the creation of new scholarship on these issues; and to nurture fellowship and social networking among scholars, particularly scholars of color, working in the field of new media studies. As a group, the Color of New Media has always been interested in sharing and popularizing scholarship by or about...